The Soft C— Let's Practice!

Basics on the topic The Soft C— Let's Practice!
Join Goopaw as we practice identifying more soft C sounds!
Transcript The Soft C— Let's Practice!
Goopaw says get ready to practice identifying "The Soft C". Remember, C will say /s/ when it is followed by an E, I or a Y. When it is followed by any other letter it will make the harder /k/ sound. Let's try sorting words with hard and soft C sounds. Here is the first word: celery. Does it have a hard or soft C? It has a soft C since it is followed by the letter e which makes it say /s/, celery. Here is another word: pencil. Does it have a hard or soft C? It has a soft C since it is followed by the letter I which makes it say /s/, pencil. Here is the next word: corn. Does it have a hard or soft C? It has a hard C since it is not followed by an E, I, or Y. It is followed by an O, so it says /k/, corn. Try this word: bouncy. Does it have a hard or soft C? It has a soft C since it is followed by the letter Y which makes it say /s/, bouncy. Here's the last word: call. Does it have a hard or soft C? It has a hard C since it is not followed by an E, I, or Y. It is followed by an A, so it says /k/, call. Goopaw had so much fun practicing with you today! See you next time!
The Soft C— Let's Practice! exercise
When does the letter "c" make a soft sound and when does it make a hard sound in a word?
HintsSound out the words ice, city, and cent.
When you see C followed by E, I, or Y, think of the snake's hiss, and you'll know it makes the soft sound!
SolutionIf after c there is an e, i or y it makes a soft sound, otherwise it makes a hard sound.
For example, in words like city, ice, and cent, the letter c makes a soft sound.
For instance, in words like cat, cup, cold, and crisp, the letter c makes a hard sound.
Does the word have a hard or soft "c"?
HintsIf the letter C is followed by the letters E, I, or Y, it usually makes a soft sound like the letter S (/s/).
Does the C make a hard sound like in the word cup?
SolutionWords with hard c are:
- car
- cup
- cat
- cell
- city
- ceiling
Does the word have a hard or soft "c"?
HintsWhen C is followed by the letters E, I, or Y, it makes the soft sound like a snake's hiss (/s/).
Like in the word cell, C makes the soft sound.
If C sounds like a kick (/k/), it's a hard C sound.
Like in the word club, C makes the hard sound.
SolutionWords that have the hard c are: cold, carrot, clock.
Words that have the soft c are: ice, cent, rice.
Does the word have a hard or soft "c"?
HintsWhen C is followed by E, I, or Y, it usually makes the soft /s/ sound.
For all other letters that follow C, it usually makes the hard /k/ sound.
SolutionWords with hard c are:
- cupcake
- carrot
- clown
- cone
- nice
- spicy
- race
- place
Does it have a hard or soft "c"?
HintsWhen the letter C is followed by E, I, or Y, it sounds like /s/, as in the word cement.
For all other letters that follow C, it sounds like /k/, as in the words cat and clock.
SolutionWords with the soft c sound are:
- science
- mice
Words with the hard c sound are:
- cone
- cow
Does it have a hard or soft "c"?
HintsWhen trying to determine if the letter C makes a soft (/s/) or hard (/k/) sound, think about the vowels or consonants that immediately follow it.
Remember that the letter C typically makes a soft (/s/) sound when followed by E, I, or Y, while it makes a hard (/k/) sound when followed by other letters.
SolutionWords with the soft c sound are:
- precise
- solace
- century
- chronic
- comply
- climb