Introducing an Informational Topic

Basics on the topic Introducing an Informational Topic
Let's learn how to introduce an informational topic with Ernie.
Transcript Introducing an Informational Topic
"Well Jane, what do you think? Aren't Megatheriums cool!?" "This is a good start, but I don't think it's finished yet. And what's the deal with this picture of you?" Let's help Ernie improve his writing by learning about... Introducing an Informational Topic. A topic is what the text is mainly about. When writing an informational text, it’s important to communicate your ideas clearly, so the reader understands what you’re trying to say and gets all the information about a topic. The first paragraph introduces your topic to the audience and also explains what the readers will learn by reading the text. This is called the introduction or introductory paragraph. An introductory paragraph should start with a hook, which is something to grab the reader's' attention. Now let's help Ernie. He is writing about a giant, extinct sloth called a Megatherium. To grab the reader's' attention he should start with a question, or hook, like, 'Did you know there used to be sloths the size of elephants?' Readers might think this is unbelievable or interesting and want to keep reading. Always add an answer right after your hook question to give the reader more detail and closure. Now, Ernie could say, 'These giant ground sloths were called Megatheriums, and are now extinct.' The next sentences will give a brief overview of what the reader will learn in the text using details and facts. Ernie wants to share the facts: 'Megatheriums lived over eleven-thousand years ago. They lived in North and South America, and even though they looked scary, they were vegetarians.' So, Ernie will write about when and where they lived and what they liked to eat, great job Ernie! But what is this here? (...) It says, 'I love eating vegetables.' Does this fact about Ernie support our topic, Megatheriums? (...) No, that's a fact about Ernie! In writing, it's important to stick to the topic so the reader doesn't get confused, so we will delete this line. Instead, Ernie should add a wrap-up sentence or closing sentence to the end of the introductory paragraph. The closing sentence should be related to the topic, Megatheriums, and complete the introduction. Ernie could close it with: 'Megatheriums were fascinating prehistoric creatures.' This closing sentence restates the topic and provides a sense of closure. It looks like Ernie wants to include a picture of himself. We can include illustrations with our writing IF they are useful and have a purpose, meaning they relate to what we're writing about. Does this picture help the reader learn more about Megatheriums? (...) No, the picture of Ernie has nothing to do with his topic! What could he add a picture of? (...) There are a few possibilities, but Ernie adding a picture of JUST a Megatherium is the best choice! That way, readers can SEE and get excited about what they're learning! From here, Ernie can write more paragraphs that give the readers the details about Megatheriums that he mentioned in the introduction, and then a conclusion that summarizes his writing. While he does that, let's remember! The first paragraph of an informational text is called the introduction. It introduces your topic to the audience and explains what the readers will learn by reading the text. It should start with a hook, like a question, to grab the reader's' attention and... is always followed by an answer, to give the reader more detail and closure. The next sentences give a brief overview of what the reader will learn in the text using details and facts. Then, a picture or illustration is added (...) IF it's useful and relates to the topic we are writing about. "Okay, all that's left is to sign my name!" "By: Mega Ernie-therium!" "Oh Ernie!"