Connecting Opinion & Reasons with Linking Words — Let's Practice!

Basics on the topic Connecting Opinion & Reasons with Linking Words — Let's Practice!
Today we are practicing connecting opinion and reasons with linking words with Goopaw! This video contains examples to help you further practice and grow confident in this area.
Transcript Connecting Opinion & Reasons with Linking Words — Let's Practice!
Goopaw says get ready to practice connecting opinions and reasons with linking words! Here is an example. Fruits and vegetables are good for you. They are full of vitamins. Which connecting word fits best here? Because fits best here, as it tells us why vegetables are good for you! Fruit and vegetables are good for you because they are full of vitamins. Let's look at another example. My doctor told me yoga improves flexibility. Then, I started enjoying yoga. Which connecting word fits best here? Since fits best here, as it connects after going to the doctor, now yoga is enjoyable. My doctor told me yoga improves flexibility. Since then, I started enjoying yoga. Here is the next example. Some exercises make your legs stronger. Squats and lunges make them stronger. Which connecting word fits best here? For example fits best here, as it gives you an example of what you could do to make your legs stronger. Some exercises make your legs stronger. For example, squats and lunges make them stronger. Here is the final example. Damia studied hard all weekend. She got a perfect score on her test. Which connecting word fits best here? As a result fits best here, as it tells us the outcome, or result, of Damia studying hard. Damia studied hard all weekend. As a result, she got a perfect score on her test. Goopaw had so much fun practicing with you today! See you next time!
Connecting Opinion & Reasons with Linking Words — Let's Practice! exercise
Which connecting words fit best?
HintsWe use the connecting word because to connect reasons. For example: I am excited for my birthday because we are having a party.
We use the connecting words for example to share examples of a certain opinion or reason.
- I am very helpful. For example, I always do the dishes.
SolutionI enjoy playing sports. For example, I love to play soccer and basketball! For example fits best here because it gives an example of the sports the person enjoys.
He has been eating healthy foods. As a result, he has more energy and feels better. As a result fits best here because it tells the outcome or result of eating healthy foods.
I get to go to the playground because I finished my homework early. Because fits best here because it connects two ideas together.
Complete the story.
HintsWe use the connecting words as a result to tell the outcome or result of something.
For example: They ran five miles. As a result, they were very tired.
We use the connecting word since when it connects one idea to another.
For example: Last week I got a new paint set. Since then, I have painted every day!
SolutionKatie and Elizabeth moved into the same apartment. Since then, they have become great friends. Since fits best here as it connects Katie and Elizabeth moving in and becoming friends.
Katie likes to play with Elizabeth. For example, they dress up and pretend they are princesses. For example fits best here as it gives an example of how they play together.
Last week, Elizabeth could not come over because she was sick. Because fits best here as it tells us why Elizabeth cannot come over.
Katie brought some medicine to her friend. As a result, Elizabeth got better quickly. As a result fits best here because it tells us the outcome of Elizabeth taking the medicine.
Fill in the missing words.
HintsRemember, when connecting two ideas together, we use because.
For example: She was excited because she got a new bike.
Remember, when we are connecting one idea to a related idea, we use since.
For example: We planted our garden years ago. Since then, it has grown a lot!
Remember to use the word bank to check your spelling.
SolutionThe missing connecting words are as a result, since, and because.
We had a lot of rain yesterday. As a result, the street is very wet. As a result fits best here because it tells the outcome or result of the storm.
I learned about art in school, and since then I have wanted to be an artist. Since fits best here as it connects learning about art to wanting to be an artist.
I want to go hiking because I like being in nature. Because fits best here because it connects two ideas together.
Fill in the missing words.
HintsSay the sentence out loud to hear the connecting word.
Remember, we use the connecting word since to connect the first idea or opinion to the second.
For example: I read a book about ocean animals. Since then, I have become very interested in them!
SolutionThe missing connecting words are since, as a result, and because.
I learned to play soccer when I was little.
Since then, I have practiced every week! Since fits best here as it connects learning soccer to practicing the sport.
As a result, I have become a skilled soccer player. As a result fits best here because it tells the outcome or result of practicing playing soccer.
I enjoy playing soccer because I like to play with a team. Because fits best here because it connects two ideas together.
Which connecting word belongs?
HintsThe second sentence gives examples of reptiles.
We do not use the connecting word because here. The sentence does not tell us why something is happening.
Say the sentence with each linking word out loud. Which makes sense?
SolutionMany animals are reptiles. For example, lizards, turtles, and snakes are all reptiles. We use for example because it gives an example of different types of reptiles.
Complete the story.
HintsRemember to use the word bank to help you find the connecting words.
Remember, the linking words as a result tells the outcome, or result, of an action.
SolutionThe missing connecting words are because, for example, as a result, and since.
David was lonely because he missed his friends. Because fits best here because it tells why David is lonely.
He thought it could be fun to have friends come over, for example, friends from school. For example fits best here because it shows an example of the friends David could have over.
All of David's friends came over and had a great time. As a result, David felt very happy. As a result fits best here because it tells the outcome or result or David inviting his friends over.
Since then, David and his friends see each other more often. Since fits best here, as it connects seeing his friends more to having them come over.