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Author's Purpose: PIE


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Author's Purpose: PIE

Basics on the topic Author's Purpose: PIE

What is author's purpose?

In this video we learned about PIE an acronym used to describe why an author may write a text. We learned that authors usually write to;

  • persuade
  • inform
  • entertain

Interested in learning more about author's purpose? Check out the interactive exercises after this video!

Transcript Author's Purpose: PIE

: "There's nothing like a warm pie, I'm thinking of getting a slice of pumpkin pie!" : "Wait a second, why are there books here... and where are all of the pies?" : "The sections of books say persuade, inform, entertain... what does all of that mean?" It turns out that this isn't any old pie shop... let's help Pearl and Otis figure out what is going on by learning about... Author's purpose in informational texts Have you ever wondered why people write stories? Or WHO even writes them? You might know that a person who writes a story is called an author. .. and the people who read the story are called readers! When authors write stories, they usually do it for three different reasons. You can use the acronym PIE to help you remember! An acronym is created when a letter is taken from each word to create a new word, usually to help remember something. Each letter in PIE stands for something related to the reasons an author writes. The first letter of the word PIE,

stands for PERSUADE. When someone is trying to persuade, they are trying to get you to do or believe in something. Like writing a letter to your parents trying to persuade them to get a pet. The in pie stands for INFORM. When an author writes to inform, they want to give information to the reader. Like if you read a book all about narwhals! The in pie stands for entertain, which is when the author wants the reader to enjoy the story. Like in a jokes book, or a fiction story. Now that we've learned a bit about PIE, let's help Pearl and Otis pick out a few books! The first book that Pearl has chosen to look at is a fiction book about the adventures of a unicorn. Do you think the author's purpose for writing this book was to persuade, inform, or entertain? This story doesn't give you information or persuade you to do something... and it's a fiction book, so the author's purpose was to entertain! The first book that Otis has chosen to look at is about why puppies are a great pet choice. It gives reasons as to why puppies are the best and make a great pet. Is the author's purpose for writing to persuade, inform, or entertain? This book is trying to PERSUADE you to believe that puppies are a great choice for a pet. That means the author's purpose for this book is to persuade! Pearl has also found a book called 'facts about Germany' This book gives facts and information about Germany. Do you think the author's purpose for writing this book was to persuade, inform, or entertain? This book gives information about Germany, so... the author's purpose for this book is to inform! Before we see which book Otis and Pearl have chosen to buy, let's review. Today we learned about author's purpose, which is WHY an author writes something. We learned about an acronym, PIE to help remember reasons an author writes a text. We learned about authors who persuade, or try and get you to do or believe in something... inform, or give you information... and entertain, to try to get you to enjoy the story! Now, let's see which book our friends have chosen. : "I think this one will really come in handy!"

Author's Purpose: PIE exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Author's Purpose: PIE.
  • What does the acronym PIE stand for?


    Remember, an acronym is created when a letter is taken from each word to create a new word. Each letter in PIE is related to the reasons an author writes.

    Look at the choices. Which three show reasons an author would write?


    The acronym PIE Stands for persuade, inform, entertain. These are three reasons why authors write.

  • Define the author's purpose.


    Remember, a book with the title All About Jellyfish would likely have facts and teach the reader about jellyfish.

    This is a nonfiction book, which means the author's purpose is not to entertain.


    The author's purpose is to inform. This book is nonfiction and will have facts that inform Pearl about jellyfish.

  • Which books are meant to persuade?


    Remember, persuasive books are trying to get the reader to do something, or think in a certain way.

    There are two titles to highlight.


    The Best Sport is Soccer gives reasons why soccer is the best, and is trying to persuade the reader to believe that soccer is the best sport.

    You Should Always Eat your Vegetables gives reasons why eating vegetables is important. It is trying to persuade the reader to develop healthy habits.

  • What is the author's purpose?


    Use the titles of the books to help you decide the author's purpose.

    For example, the book All About Dinosaurs is meant to inform, since the author is teaching the reader about dinosaurs.

    What does the acronym PIE stand for? Match it with the corresponding words.


    The author's purpose for Why Cats Make Amazing Pets is to persuade the reader into getting a cat.

    The author's purpose for How to Speak Spanish is to inform the reader with Spanish words and phrases.

    The author's purpose for Little Unicorn goes to Rainbow Kingdom is to entertain, since it is a fiction book.

  • What is the author's purpose here?


    Remember you are thinking about why the author would write this book. What is the purpose?

    This story does not give you information, or persuade you to do something.


    The author's purpose is to entertain. This book is written for the reader to enjoy the story. It does not give information, or persuade the reader to do something.

  • Sort the books by author's purpose.


    Remember, when a book is written to persuade, it is trying to get the reader to believe something.

    For example: Cheese is the best food is persuasive, since it is trying to get the reader to agree that cheese is better than other foods.

    When a book is written to entertain, it is usually a fun story for the author.

    For example: Ralphie the Dog Learns Math is a fun fiction book, meant to entertain.


    Persuade: Kids Should be Allowed to Stay up Late, Pizza is the Yummiest Food. Both of these titles show the book is meant to persuade the reader to believe in something.

    Inform: Maps of the World, Planets. Both of these titles show the book is meant to inform and give the reader information.

    Entertain: Dog and Cat go on an Adventure, Robot Goes to School. Both of these titles show the book is meant to entertain, and get the reader to enjoy the story.