Analyzing Figurative Language – Let's Practice!

Basics on the topic Analyzing Figurative Language – Let's Practice!
Today we are practicing analyzing figurative language with Goopaw! This video contains some examples for you to work on, so you can get extra practice and grow confident in this topic.
Transcript Analyzing Figurative Language – Let's Practice!
Goopaw says get ready to practice... Analyzing Figurative Language Here is... an example. He runs as fast as the wind. What IS the literal meaning of, 'He runs as fast as the wind'? (...) It means he runs very fast. Let's look at another... example. Her soccer game got canceled because it is raining cats and dogs! What IS the literal meaning of, 'Her soccer game got canceled because it is raining cats and dogs!'? (...) It means her game got canceled because it is raining very hard. Here is the next... example. He is a walking dictionary. What IS the literal meaning of, 'He is a walking dictionary.'? (...) It means he knows a lot of vocabulary. We're halfway through, good job! Here is the next... example. The sun smiled down at them when they went outside. What IS the literal meaning of, 'The sun smiled at down at them when they went outside..'? (...) It means the sun is out and the sunlight feels warm and welcoming to them. Here is the next... example. She has a heart of gold. What IS the literal meaning of, 'She has a heart of gold...'? (...) It means she is very kind and generous. Goopaw had so much fun practicing with you today! See you next time!