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Grams and Kilograms (Word Problems)


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Basics on the topic Grams and Kilograms (Word Problems)

Grams and Kilograms

You want to bake a cake and you want to know how much flour you need. The amount of an object can be measured by weight using units of mass. This text will teach you about measuring mass in grams and kilograms.

Grams and Kilograms – Examples

What are grams and kilograms? And are grams and kilograms the same? They are similar as they are both metric units of mass. Grams are often used for lighter objects, and kilograms are often used for heavier objects. This is the main difference between grams and kilograms as one can be easily converted to the other. Things measured in grams and kilograms are items such as blueberries, coins, luggage, and packages.


In the above illustration, you can see the definition of grams and kilograms along with some examples of grams and kilograms.

Solving Word Problems with Grams and Kilograms

Remember to follow these five steps whenever you need to solve word problems:

Step # What to do
1 Read the word problem and highlight the problem.
2 Identify the important information.
3 Identify the operation.
4 Write the number sentence.
5 Solve the number sentence, including any units of measurement.


The first step to solving word problems is to read the entire problem. Once you have done this, you should then highlight the question, or problem, you are being asked to solve. In the following example, we highlight the last sentence.


The next step is to ask yourself what is the important information that will help me solve the problem, and highlight the important information. For example, in the problem we would highlight both twelve kilograms of apples and leave nine kilograms, as these are important to solving the problem.


After this, we need to find the operation. The key word leave, tells us we are subtracting, so we highlight this word.


Now, we can write the number sentence using all the information we have gathered. The number sentence for this word problem is 12 - 9 = ? as we know they had 12 kilograms, but want to leave behind 9 kilograms.


And finally, we solve the problem, including any units of measurement from the word problem.So, 12 - 9 = 3, so Zuri and Freddie will take home 3 kg of apples from the farm store.


Grams and Kilograms – Review

To solve word problems with grams and kilograms, you can follow the following steps:


Below you will find grams and kilograms worksheets for 3rd grade.

Transcript Grams and Kilograms (Word Problems)

Zuri and Freddie have been apple picking today. The sack of apples they have is very full, so they will only take a certain amount home. To help, we will need to learn about grams and kilograms (Word Problems). Grams and kilograms are units of weight. Weight is the measure of how heavy an object is. A gram is a metric measurement of weight and it is often used for lighter objects. You might measure objects such as coins or berries in grams, by writing a number with the unit symbol g to show the weight in grams. A kilogram is a metric measurement of weight, often used for heavier objects. You might measure a large package, or a suitcase with kilograms, by writing a number with the unit symbol kg to show the weight in kilograms. To solve word problems involving grams and kilograms first, read the word problem. As you read, think; what do I need to find? And highlight the question you need to solve. For example, Zuri and Freddie picked twelve kilograms of apples. They decided to leave nine kilograms at the farm store. How many kilograms of apples will they take home? Here we highlight, how many kilograms of apples will they take home? Because it asks us to find how much they take home. Then, reread and think; what is the important information? While rereading, highlight keywords, numbers, or units of measurement, that will help answer the question. In Zuri and Freddie picked twelve kilograms of apples, highlight twelve kilograms of apples, because this tells us how much they started with and the unit of measurement. In the next sentence, highlight leave nine kilograms, because it tells us what they are leaving behind. Next, identify the operation. The keyword leave tells us to subtract. Then, write the number sentence. We know it is twelve minus nine, because the word problem states they start with twelve kilograms, but will leave nine kilograms behind. Now we can solve the number sentence. Twelve minus nine is three, so Zuri and Freddie will take home three kilograms of apples. Let’s try one more word problem. First, read the word problem, then highlight the question you need to solve. Zuri and Freddie buy two apple cider donuts. One donut weighs one hundred fifty grams, and the other weighs one hundred twenty-five grams. What is the total weight of the donuts? We highlight what is the total weight of the donuts? Because it is what we are solving. What is the next step? Reread the problem, highlighting important information. Highlight one donut weighs one hundred fifty grams and the other weighs one hundred twenty-five grams, because this is the weight of the individual donuts and the unit of measurement. What should you do next? Find the operation. The operation is addition, because the question asks us to find the total weight. Now write the number sentence. One hundred fifty plus one hundred twenty-five. Finally, you can solve the problem. One hundred fifty plus one hundred twenty-five is two hundred seventy-five. To answer the question, we will write, the donuts weigh two hundred seventy-five grams. Zuri and Freddie can enjoy their donuts now. Remember, to solve word problems involving weight, first read the word problem and highlight the question you need to solve. Next, identify the important information, highlighting keywords, units of measurements, and anything that will help solve the problem. Then identify the operation from the information. Now write the number sentence. Finally, solve the number sentence, including correct units of measurement. Well, it looks like two donuts was a little too much for Zuri and Freddie. "Hello there sir, would you like our spare donut?" "Well, that was rude of him to not even answer us!" Freddie, Zuri. Oh, never mind.


Grams and Kilograms (Word Problems) exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Grams and Kilograms (Word Problems).
  • Can you find the important information?


    What might the question part of the problem have to help us see that it is a question?

    Amounts are often numbers.

    Which word tells us whether we are going to add or subtract in this problem?


    These are the important parts of the question that we can highlight to help us solve.

    • 17 kg is the amount Freddie and Zuri started with and 5 kg is the amount they left at the farm.
    • The word leave tells us to subtract so the operation will be subtraction.
    • How many kilograms did they take home? is the question we are being asked to find the answer to.
  • How many kilograms did they take home?


    Can you remember which word tells us what operation to use?

    Think about finding the difference between the two amounts in the problem.


    Freddie and Zuri took 12 kg of apples home.

    They picked 17 kg and left 5 kg at the farm.

    We want to find the difference between 17 kg and 5 kg, so we are going to subtract 5 kg from 17 kg.

    17 kg - 5 kg = 12 kg

  • Can you order the bowls of fruit?


    If we are finding the total mass of the fruit of each bowl, what operation do we need to do?

    To find the total mass of the fruit of each bowl we need to add the weights of each fruit that is in there.

    If we were adding two plums we would be solving 50 + 50 which equals 100.


    The correct order of the bowls are:

    1. 1 apple + 1 plum = 80 g + 50 g = 130 g
    2. 1 pear + 1 plum = 150 g + 50 g = 200 g
    3. 1 pear + 1 apple = 150 g + 80 g = 230 g
    4. 2 apples + 2 plums = 80 g + 80 g + 50 g + 50 g = 260 g
  • Can you solve the problems?


    Think about what the question is asking you. Which operation do you need to do?

    You can write out the question and highlight the important information to help.

    To convert your answer from grams to kilograms you need to divide by 1000. For example 3000 g is equal to 3 kg.

    1. We needed to add 550 g + 125 g + 125 g = 800 g
    2. We needed to add 70 g + 70 g + 125 g + 125 g = 390 g and then subtract 70 g = 320 g.
    3. We needed to multiply 80 g x 8 = 640 g. We could also have used repeated addition to solve this problem.
    4. We needed to multiply 550 g x 3 = 1650 g and then multiply 125 g x 6 = 750 g. We then needed to add 1650 g + 750 g = 2400 g which can also be written as 2.4 kg.
    5. We needed to divide 420 g by 70 g = 6. We know 420 divided by 70 is 6 because 42 divided by 7 is 6.
  • How many kilograms of apples did Freddie and Zuri pick altogether?


    Can you find the important information from the problem? Think about the amounts and the operation.

    We are asked to find out how many kilograms of apples they have altogether. Should we add or subtract?


    Freddie and Zuri picked 37 kg of apples altogether.

    We were asked to find out how many apples they picked altogether which means we needed to add to find the answer.

    The problem tells us that Freddie picked 22 kg and Zuri picked 15 kg so we add 22 kg and 15 kg together.

    22 kg + 15 kg = 37 kg.

  • Can you solve the problem?


    Use paper, a pencil and highlighters to help you to pick out the important information.

    Think about which operation you need to perform to find out the weight of each food.

    How many guests are there and how many party goers are there? Is the food just for guests or for everyone at the party?

    Remember, whole pies can be cut into four slices. How many slices are needed for each party goer and therefore how many pies?


    Here are the total weights required for each item of food.

    There were 6 guests plus Freddie and Zuri which made 8 party goers altogether.

    • The pies could be cut into four slices. For eight party goers, Freddie and Zuri would need two pies. That means we needed to multiply 550 g x 2 which equals 1100 g.
    • Eight doughnuts were needed so we had to multiply 125 x 8 which equals 1000 g or 1 kg.
    • Two popsicles were needed for each of the eight party goers so first of all we need to multiply 8 x 2 which equals 16. We then need to multiply 16 x 70 g which equals 1120 g.
    • Finally, Freddie and Zuri wanted to give each guest a bag of apples to take home. Apples come in bags of four so first of all we need to multiply 4 x 80 g = 320 g. We then need to multiply 320 g x 6 for each of the six guests. 320 g x 6 = 1920 g.