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Partitioning Rectangles

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Partitioning Rectangles

Basics on the topic Partitioning Rectangles

Partitioning Rectangles

Imagine this: you brought a cake on a rectangular tray to a birthday party and you want to make sure everybody gets equal pieces of cake. The solution to this problem is to partition the rectangular shape into same-size pieces. With this text, you can learn how to partition rectangles into rows and columns to get same-size squares.

Partitioning Rectangles – Example

A rectangle is a flat, four-sided shape with straight sides and four corners. When we partition a rectangle with same-sized squares, we are dividing it into equal parts. This helps us count the space inside. There are many ways to partition, or divide, a rectangle evenly.

One way of partitioning rectangles is to use rows and columns of equal size to make the parts the same size. Rows go across, from side to side.


Columns go up and down.


To evenly partition a rectangle, first, make equal rows across. To help us, we can connect the markers.


Then, make equal columns up and down. Again, we can use the markers shown on the rectangle and draw lines connecting them.


Finally, we count all the squares that were made. This rectangle has six equal squares.


Partitioning Rectangles – Summary of Steps

Remember: partitioning rectangles means to divide a rectangular shape into equal parts. This is applicable in many ways. For this text, we used a rectangular cake as an example. In order to make sure everybody gets equal pieces, you need to follow these steps to partition your cake:

Step # What to do
1 Make equal rows across.
2 Make equal columns up and down.
3 Count all the squares that were made.
  • First, make equal rows across.

  • Then, make equal columns up and down.

  • Finally, count all the squares that were made.

Have you practiced yet? After watching the video, you can also find interactive exercises, worksheets and further activities on how to partition rectangles in 2nd grade.

Transcript Partitioning Rectangles

Nia and Nico are getting ready for Nia’s family reunion. They have all the decorations and food ready! All the food that is except for the sheet cake. When they picked it up from the bakery, it looked delicious, but it is in one, large piece. How will they feed all of Nia's family members? Let's help Nia and Nico by learning about, "Partitioning Rectangles!” You might have learned that a rectangle is a flat, four-sided shape with straight sides and four corners. When we partition a rectangle with same-sized squares, we are dividing it into equal parts. This helps us count the space inside. There are many ways to partition, or divide, a rectangle evenly. One way is to use rows and columns of equal size to make the parts the same size. Rows go across, from side to side and columns go up and down. To evenly partition a rectangle, first, make equal rows across. To help us, we can connect the markers. Then, make equal columns up and down. Again, we can use the use markers and draw lines connecting them. Finally, count all the squares that were made. This rectangle has six equal squares. Now, let's try partitioning Nia's cake! First, we make three equal rows across. Then, we make four equal columns up and down. Finally, we count all the squares that were made. This rectangular cake has twelve equal squares which means there are twelve equal slices of cake to share! This is perfect because twelve family members just arrived. Uh-oh! More relatives are here! We'll need to partition the entire rectangle again to make sure everyone gets a piece. What is our first step? Our first step is to make equal rows across. This time we'll make four. What is the next step? The next step is to make equal columns up and down. This time we'll make five. Now we count all the squares to see how many squares fit inside the rectangle. How many squares are there? There are twenty squares which means we have twenty equal slices and everyone can have cake! As Nia serves her guests, let's remember! Today we learned about partitioning rectangles into same-size squares. We use rows and columns of equal size to help partition into same-size squares. Rows go across, from side to side. Columns go up and down. To partition a rectangle into same-size squares... First, make equal rows across. Then, make equal columns up and down Finally, count all the squares that were made. "Nico, would you like a slice?" "Yes!" "Oh, thanks?"

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  1. i love sofatutor

    From Zhene Nixon, over 1 year ago

Partitioning Rectangles exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Partitioning Rectangles.
  • How do we cut the cake?


    This is how the cake is cut when rows are made.

    This is how the cake is cut when columns are made.

    Equal means the same. We want the pieces to all be the same, not different.

    • First they make slices across so that the cake is divided into rows.
    • Then they make markers at the top and bottom and cut the cake into columns.
    • Now they have pieces that are all equal in size.
  • How many pieces?


    Count how many pieces are inside the cake, the fewest means the smallest amount, this goes first in the order.

    The cake with the most pieces has the biggest number, this goes last in the order.


    The cakes in order from those with fewest pieces to most pieces is:

    • Pink cake - this has 10 pieces
    • Yellow cake - this has 12 pieces
    • White cake - this has 18 pieces
    • Purple cake - this has 20 pieces

  • Are they equal sized squares?


    Remember that each piece needs to be exactly the same size and a square.

    A square means that the length of each side is exactly the same. This is a square.


    This cake has been cut into 15 equal sized square pieces.

  • How can we make eight equal pieces?


    The cake should first be cut across into two rows, using a horizontal line.

    The cake should then be cut into columns using vertical lines.

    The cake should have 8 equal sized pieces when finished.


    The cake has been cut into 8 equal sized squares using the lines shown here.

  • Equal sized squares.


    Equal sized squares means that each piece of cake needs to be the same size.


    This cake has been divided into square pieces that are all equal in size.

  • How many pieces of cake are made?


    This has been cut into three rows that go across.

    This rectangle has 2 rows and 3 columns. There are 6 pieces in total.

    Try drawing each option and counting how many pieces have been made.


    The image shows the answer where 12 pieces are made:

    • 3 rows & 4 columns (3 x 4 = 12)
    • 2 rows & 6 columns (2 x 6 = 12)

    8 pieces:

    • 4 rows & 2 columns (4 x 2 = 8)

    18 pieces

    • 3 rows & 6 columns (3 x 6 =18)
    • 2 rows & 9 columns (2 x 9 = 18)