More and Fewer (to ten)

Basics on the topic More and Fewer (to ten)
What Does More Than Mean in Math?
What does the word more and fewer mean? Let’s look at the definition of the term more in math:
When someone uses the word more, they are adding to what you already have. We use the word more in math to talk about addition.
What does the word fewer mean?
When someone uses the word fewer, they are saying you have less or you are taking away from something. When you add or subtract, you can count on or back to help.
More or Fewer in Math Problems
Using the words more and fewer can help to understand what is needed to do to solve a problem. When solving addition and subtraction equations, you can determine whether the result is more or less by following these steps:
Step # | What to do |
1 | Start by creating an equation |
2 | Count on if the equation uses more or addition. |
3 | Count back if the equation uses less or subtraction. |
4 | Finally, solve to find the answer! |
More or Fewer – Example
Imagine you had a box with eighteen screws, but you actually gave five away, so you now have fewer screws. Does fewer mean less or more? Fewer means less, so we need to subtract here. First set up an equation. Here the equation is eighteen minus five equals what? Next, count on or back. We need to count back because this is a subtraction problem.
What is eighteen minus five? Thirteen! Let’s practice again!
Imagine you have a box with twenty bolts and someone gives you seven more. When we use the word more, we are talking about an addition equation. First set up an equation, here it is twenty plus seven equals what? Next, count on or back. We need to count on because this is an addition problem.
What is twenty plus seven? Twenty-seven!
More or Fewer – Summary
Today we learned about the terms more and fewer. We learned that the word more is used to add something to what you already have, and is usually used in addition equations. We also learned that the word fewer is used to take away from what you already have, and is usually used in subtraction equations. We also added and subtracted by creating equations and counting on or counting back afterwards to solve the equation. Here are the steps recapped for repetition. When you are asked if something is more or fewer, you should keep these steps in mind:
Create an equation
Count on or count back
Solve the equation to find the answer.
Looking for extra practice with more and fewer? Check out the interactive exercises, worksheets and other activities on more and fewer.
Transcript More and Fewer (to ten)
It's a lovely day in the park, the sun is shining, Mr Squeaks is doing flips (...) Mr. Squeaks is doing flips? When Mr. Squeaks was a teenager he used to tour on a gymnastics team! But, how many tricks did he do with his team? Let's learn about "more and fewer to ten" to help! What does the word MORE mean? When someone uses the word more, they are adding to what you already have. We use the word more in math to talk about ADDITION. What does the word FEWER mean? When someone uses the word fewer, they are saying you have less or, are taking away. We use the word fewer or less in math to talk about SUBTRACTION. When you add or subtract, you can count on or back to help. Now that we've learned a bit about more and fewer, let's take a look at Mr. Squeaks' tricks. If he started with seven hops and added two more, how many did he do in total? We used the word MORE, so this will be an ADDITION equation. Start by creating an equation. Here we have seven plus two. Next, start with the larger number. Then, count on the smaller number. Here we will start with seven and count on two. Count with me! Seven (...) eight (...) nine. Mr. Squeaks did nine hops in total! SO, seven plus two equals nine. After his hops, Mr. Squeaks ALWAYS did flips. If he thought that he did six, but he actually did three LESS, how many flips did he do? We used the word LESS, so this will be a SUBTRACTION equation. Start by creating an equation. Here, it is six minus three. Next, start with the larger number, six. Then, count back the smaller number, three. Count back with me! Six (...) five (...) four (...) three. Mr. Squeaks did three flips in total. SO, six minus three equals three. The finale of his routine was mushroom stuffing! If he started with four mushrooms and added three more, how many did he put in total? Will this be subtraction or addition? We used the word more, so it is addition. Start by creating an equation. Here, it is four plus three. Next, start with the larger number. Then, count up the smaller number. Count with me! Four (...) five (...) six (...) seven. Mr. Squeaks stuffed seven mushrooms in his cheeks. SO, four plus three equals seven. Before we hear more about the glory days, let's review. Today we learned about MORE and FEWER. We learned that in math, more is used to talk about addition... and less is used to talk about subtraction. We also added and subtracted by... creating an equation... counting on or back... and finding the answer! Now, let's see about those flips! : "Wow! You know, this sounds JUST like this book I read last week... the great hamster flips!" [camera zooms in on Mr. S who has 'the great hamster flips' book behind his back]
More and Fewer (to ten) exercise
Match the story problem to the equation.
HintsThe dots help show the problem. You can count the dots to help figure out the equation.
What does more tell you? Is this a subtraction or addition problem?
Solution4 + 3
- More tells you to use addition.
- There are 4 dots on the left and 3 dots on the right, so the equation is 4 + 3.
- There are 7 dots in total and 4 + 3 = 7
Arrange the steps to solving a problem.
HintsBefore you count on or back, what is the first step?
What is the last thing you need to do after you have found the solution?
Solution- Write the equation.
- Starting with the larger number, count on or back the smaller number.
- Find the solution.
- Write the solution after the equal sign.
Match the equation to the story problem.
HintsWhat does fewer tell you to do? Should you add or subtract?
Start at the larger number, 5, and count back by 2. How many dots are shaded dark purple?
Solution5 - 2 = 3
- Fewer means to subtract.
- Start at 5 and count back 2.
- The total is 3.
Complete the addition number sentence.
HintsCount the light purple and dark purple dots to help you find the equation.
Start at the larger number to count on to find the solution.
There are two amounts to add here, to find the total.
Solution6 + 3 = 9 3 + 6 = 9
- More means to add.
- Start at 6 and count on 3.
- The total is 9.
Determine which type of equation it is.
HintsUse the operation symbol to determine whether you need to add or subtract.
SolutionAll of the equations with the plus sign are addition problems.
- 5 + 4 = 9
- 3 + 3 = 6
- 5 + 5 = 10
- 10 - 1 = 9
- 7 - 3 = 4
- 6 - 4 = 2
Find the matching equation pairs.
HintsCount on or back depending on which type of equation it is.
If the equation has a + symbol, count on.
If the equation has a - symbol, count back.
Solution- 6 + 4 = 10 Start at 6 and count on 4. The total is 10.
- 9 + 1 = 10 Start at 9 and count on 1.The total is 10.
- 7 - 5 = 2 Start at 7 and count back 5.The total is 2.
- 8 - 1 = 7 Start at 8 and count back 1. The total is 7.