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Introduction to Consonant Digraphs


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Introduction to Consonant Digraphs

Basics on the topic Introduction to Consonant Digraphs

What are consonant digraphs? You might already know that consonants are any letters that aren't vowels. Consonant digraphs have two consonants in a row. While there are two letters, we only hear one new sound! Today we learned about three different consonant digraphs;

  • S and H like in the words ship, brushes, and dish.
  • C and H like in the words chip, teacher, and peach.
  • T and H like in the words think, feather, and math.

Can you think of any words with consonant digraphs? Comment below!

Transcript Introduction to Consonant Digraphs

"A scoop more of peanuts, and this batch will be perfect!" It looks like Kala is making some trail mix to take on a hike. She is mixing different ingredients together to make new flavors, kind of like consonant digraphs. What are consonant digraphs? You might already know that consonants are any letters that aren't vowels and that the vowels are the letters A, E, I, O, and U! Consonant digraphs have two consonants in a row. While there are two letters, we only hear one new sound! Uh oh! It looks like Kala has dropped some trail mix and formed letters! The first letter she accidentally made is S and the second letter she accidentally made is H. What happens when the letters S and H are together in a row? They make a brand-new sound! S and H make the digraph /sh/. Like in the words ship, brushes, and dish. Let's practice saying the S H digraph with Kala! /Sh/ /sh/ /sh/. It looks like Kala has dropped more trail mix! What letters did she accidentally make this time? Kala accidentally made the letters C and H when she dropped the trail mix! What digraph do you think the letters C and H make together? C and H make the /ch/ digraph when they are next to each other in a word. Like in the words chip, teacher, and peach! Practice saying the C H digraph with Kala! /Ch/ /ch/ /ch/. Oh goodness, Kala has dropped for trail mix! Can you tell what letters she has made this time? Kala accidentally made the letters T and H when she dropped her trail mix! What happens when the letters T and H are next to each other in a word? They make a brand-new sound! T and H make the digraph /th/. Like in the words think, feather, and math! Let's practice one last time saying the /th/ digraph with Kala! /Th/ /th/ /th/! Before we see what happened to all of that trail mix that got spilled, let's review. Today we learned about consonant digraphs, which is when there are two consonants in a row that make a NEW sound when they are together! We also learned about three different consonant digraphs. The /sh/ digraph like in the word shout, the /ch/ digraph like in the word chair, and the /th/ digraph, like in the word three! Now, let's see about that spilled trail mix! It looks like Kala doesn't need to pick it up after all and has made a new friend as well!

Introduction to Consonant Digraphs exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Introduction to Consonant Digraphs.
  • Find the correct digraph.


    Ship starts with sh.

    Three starts with th.

    Chip starts with ch.


    sh is written s h.

    th is written t h.

    ch is written c h.

  • Can you sort the words?


    The digraph could be at the beginning or at the end of the word.

    There are two words for each group.



    • she
    • cash
    • chop
    • pinch
    • that
    • path

  • Can you find the matching words?


    Find the digraph (sh, ch or th) and say the sound it makes.

    After that, sound out the rest of the word.

    There are two words with the sh sound.

    There is one word with the ch sound.

    There is one word with the th sound.


    Here are the matching words and pictures.

  • Can you find the missing words?


    Listen carefully to each sentence. You can play it more than once.

    Look for the digraph in each word and say the sound it makes, then sound out the rest of the word.

    1. I went to the shop.
    2. I got some chips then I went home.
    3. I had the fries with pie.
  • Can you find the correct words?


    Look at the beginning and end of each word to find the digraphs.

    For example, if we had the pair:

    shop, hop

    we would highlight shop because it has the sh sound in and hop does not.



    • hash has the sh sound in

    • chum has the ch sound in

    • this has the th sound in
  • How are these words spelt?


    Do you hear sh, ch, or th at the beginning or end of the word?

    Listen carefully for the other sounds that you hear too.

    One word has two digraphs in it. One of these is ee.


    Moth is spelt m o t h.

    Lunch is spelt l u n c h.

    Sheep is spelt s h e e p.